Link |
Description |
Cover Page |
Team Number, Team Members, Team Member Photos, Submission date, Course Name and Number, Semester/Year, Team Name, Project Theme, ESD logo, Team logo
Mission Statement |
A solution-neutral statement of the problem area and aspirations of the team. Include a Capella diagram.
User Characteristics |
Affinity diagram based on at least 30 comments collected from interviews; Quality attributes; User persona;
As Is and To Be Situation Maps |
As Is: An influence diagrams displaying a network of factors influencing the mission (the target success factor). To Be: an influence diagram displaying a path or pathways from the system intervention to the mission. This must use diagrams
created by Capella.
Design Alternatives |
Classification tree of design alternatives (research required); the importance of this step is to understand the key architectural decisions being made. Must use Capella for this diagram. Optional: a Concept Combination Table (Morph Box).
Integrated Concepts
| Propose at least five divergent (fundamentally distinct) integrated concepts which fulfill the operational concept; provide five concept sketches with annotated features.
Scorecard Design |
Functional requirements and quality attributes, with weights, that the user will use to score alternative solutions. This is input to the Concept Selection step (next).
Concept Selection |
A Pugh Matrix documenting your selection of the best system concept. Note: this could be the basis for your required R Shiny application later in the semester.
Operational Concept |
Single page artistic rendition of system in use, annotated with key features. This could be your favorite integrated concept sketch.
Use Cases and Scenarios |
At least five use cases, including both nominal and off-nominal cases. Use Capella capability diagrams.
Scenario Analysis |
Use Capella diagrams (styled as Activity Diagrams with Swimlanes) to describe scenario behaviors. This maps to the Operational Analysis and System Analysis phases in Capella.
Chunked Design |
Chunk the design into discrete sub-systems using an Affinity Spreadsheet.
Logical Architecture |
Reproduce all your diagrams from the Capella Logical Architecture phase here. For each scenario, there should be an Activity Diagram with Swimlanes as well as an Architecture Diagram with functional chains.
Product Family and Release Schedule |
Identify core architecture and derivative possibilities.
Design Teams and Design Rules |
A task sequence matrix or diagram documenting the tasks for each team and the deliverables from one team to another.
Modal Analysis |
Abstract functionality from scenario analysis; Modes and sub-modes of system operation depicted with a state diagram; Must use Capella diagrams.
Prototyping Canvas |
At least one copy of the Prototyping Canvas form documenting how you tested a critical assumption or feature of your design.
Capella Model |
HTML folder created by Capella generation. This must be one integrated model, not separate models from each team member.
Refer to the ESA Course Syllabus for detailed requirements.